By Samantha Caracoza, Staff Reporter
Is there ever a day where you don’t feel stressed? Probably not, but you can remember to take a five minute break each day. It is always important to take breaks no matter how busy you are. Here are some ways you can destress in those five minutes.
1. Eat
Eating something sweet raises your mood because the brain releases dopamine and serotonin which causes your hormones to boost your energy.
“If one doesn’t eat anything, it’s possible the brain will use glucose from the body, intended for fat and muscle cell use, and in turn secrete more stress hormones,” brain researcher Achim Peters said.
2. Do something creative
By doing something creative it will help you engage your mind. Grab a paint brush and just scribble, toss, or even hand paint all over a canvas. Or hang with friends and take some pictures. Remember this is to destress. There’s no need to make masterpieces.
3. Scream
Screaming is widely known as an effective way of reducing stress. It's actually called Primal Scream Therapy. Not only do therapists recommend screaming, ancient Chinese wisdom actually proves it is good for your health. Although screaming has positive effects on your body, be mindful of others.
“Not only is it satisfying, but science has shown that screaming is good for you and your well-being,” blogger Rae Oliver said.
4. Music
Music can be one of your best friends when you need to release that deep weight on your shoulders. Listen to that one song you love, or search up any type of music that you think will relieve your stress the best.
5. Exercise
Exercising can get that blood flowing. It can clear your mind and help you think about thoughts causing you stress. It is also proven that exercising pumps up your endorphins meaning it calms the mind.
“Physical exercise, playing sports, de‐stressing techniques like listening to music...were significant in coping with psychological occupational stress,.” Dr. Mohammed Moizuddin Khan said.