By Minhaj Gumma, News Editor
Transitioning to high school is never easy for anyone. Whether you are the lost student not having established their identity yet or the overachieving kid who wishes to graduate first in their year, we’ve all been there. Challenging moments within these rigorous four years are what develop and stitch together lessons that can be passed down from generation to generation.
According to the National Center of Education Statistics, 33% of individuals change their majors at least once, and 10% change their majors twice. A common misconception that many students have is that they must have some blueprint their future should resemble. In reality, that line of thinking only leads to students feeling limited and rushed.
Oftentimes, students may not have parents’ or friends’ support for following their dreams when those dreams are deemed unrealistic. At the end of the day, you are your biggest supporter and you must take control of how your life will play out. When others give up on you, you have to be strong enough to not allow yourself to fall. You have to fail in order to succeed and view situations in an optimistic and positive light to move forward.
Patronizing yourself will not get you anywhere, nor will it help you in the long run. Change your view of situations from ‘I wish I would’ve’ to ‘Next time I can.’ Believe in yourself even when nobody else does. Self care is not selfish; implement it. Grow from your situations and become stronger than you once were; look at how far you’ve come. Congratulate yourself.