By Megan Soto, Staff Reporter
Doctors and nurses work day to day with 11 hour shifts, coming home to squeeze in a couple hours of sleep before another stressful day. Store workers frantically rush to restock shelves with every possible item they have stored in their warehouse, hoping to supply families’ needs. Recreational center staff work well through the night taking care of the homeless, providing them with shelter and meals. These people are only a few of the world’s heroes during this difficult time. With COVID-19 spreading rapidly and conditions becoming increasingly worse, citizens around America risk their lives to ensure the safety of others.
Medical staff everywhere come to work with brave faces, protecting themselves with gloves, masks, and goggles. Though there is not yet a known cure for COVID-19, medical figures across the globe attempt to treat patients to the best of their ability with their limited time and resources. Under an excessive amount of pressure and constant rush, the world’s medical staff have courageously saved so many lives each and every day.
Grocery store workers come to work to ensure that families return home with stocked up food and supplies.
“I know I’m young and able to tolerate the virus more than someone of older age,” senior and Trader Joe’s employee Shayla Steinhebel said. “I don’t want anything more than to help families in my community stay healthy during this tragic time.”
During this time of quarantine, recreational centers have been assigned to take in the homeless. Recreational staff have been forced to switch their routines, adjusting to staying up all night and sleeping all day. Leaving for work at five p.m., recreational staff stay up all night feeding the homeless, setting up shelter for them, and giving them hospitality and care. The homeless are the most vulnerable in this situation, and the recreational staff has stepped up to take in and care for these people.
There are endless jobs, companies, and more that are dedicating their lives to helping other people. For this, these individuals are truly the world’s heroes.