By Staff Reporter Anneliese Croslin
Courtesy of SAGAR PATEL/Facebook
Most recent photos of Patel before her disappearance on Sept. 2.
On Sept. 2, Geetaben Patel, a 58-year-old woman went missing at 2:15 p.m. She was last seen in sleepwear pants and a T-shirt outside of her home near Del Sol Cir in La Palma.
Patel was reported to be schizophrenic and required medication, which she does not have access to. She also left barefoot without her phone or wallet, indicating she was not prepared to go too far.
“My family and I are worried because she is without her medication, and due to the high temperatures that recently scorched the area, there is a higher chance she could have fallen ill,” Patel’s son, Sagar Patel, said in an interview with KTLA.
Knowing she has been missing for multiple weeks, the sudden weather changes and lack of medication are critical concerns.
Within the area she lived in, the police asked residents for any evidence of where Patel could have gone.
“The police asked if we had video footage they could review,” Emily Hong, a senior and neighbor of Patel’s said.
Unfortunately, Hong did not have any video footage to share. Some of the only footage of Patel known to the public on that day is of her walking outside of her house.
Patel’s disappearance has not gotten much coverage besides the few flyers put up around La Palma. Most people in La Palma are unaware of the fact that someone is missing in their area.
“I didn’t know about the missing person really at all,” junior Cloe Kim said. “I saw a flyer but didn’t look closely at it.”
The flyers didn’t fully capture people’s attention about the incident, with only a few informed or concerned.
As of now, there is little information regarding sightings of Patel or if she maintains her health.